“初稽古” My First Aikido Class
May 16, 20161 month has passed since I started at AKI USA. The time I have worked with Lia Sensei is one of the greatest experiences for me because I have learned so much.
Yesterday, I was able to get on the mat for the first time. Although I didn’t know anything about Aikido and it was a completely new experience for me, thanks to the kind instructor and the peers, I really enjoyed it to get to know and actually experience Aikido. I have done Kendo at school but I felt that Aikido was more difficult and intense than the looking. As I watching other peers who have had a long train, their movement looked sophisticated as focusing and feeling the air, their own energy, and of feeling others’ energy. More importantly, they show respect to each other all the time and it seemed to come out naturally in the atmosphere of the dojo.
It is amazing that I could experience Aikido far away from Japan, not just a self-defense lesson or technique lessons. I am so grateful to be a member of this dojo and able to contribute to support the community. I hope I can do a little bit better at my second Aikido session and I am excited to learn something more!
合気道研究会USA サンタバーバラでインターンシップを始めてから1ヶ月が経ちました。リヤ先生と働いている時間からは本当に沢山のことを学ばせていただいています。