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Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

Traditional martial arts training for modern practitioners.


“The Art of Peace begins with you. Foster peace in your own life, and then apply the art to all that you encounter.”

~ O Sensei, Founder of Aikido

4-Week Martial Arts Intro Course

Autumn Intro Course: Registration Closes September 28!

Space is limited to 15 people.

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Registration closes in...









Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

Traditional martial arts training for modern practitioners.


“The Art of Peace begins with you. Foster peace in your own life, and then apply the art to all that you encounter.”

~ O Sensei, Founder of Aikido

4-Week Martial Arts Intro Course

New Year's Intro Course: Registration Closes January 11!

Space is limited to 15 people.

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Registration closes in...









Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

Traditional martial arts training for modern practitioners.


“The Art of Peace begins with you. Foster peace in your own life, and then apply the art to all that you encounter.”

~ O Sensei, Founder of Aikido









Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

Traditional martial arts training for modern practitioners.


“The Art of Peace begins with you. Foster peace in your own life, and then apply the art to all that you encounter.”

~ O Sensei, Founder of Aikido











Classes in Los Angeles

martial arts for adults


Build confidence, improve fitness and gain peace in your daily life as part of an accepting and supportive community.

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martial arts for kids


Kids gain confidence, cultivate respect, and develop discipline in a safe and fun environment.

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martial arts for tweens and teens

Tweens & Teens

Aikido training will empower your teen and give them a sense of purpose and belonging. Their confidence will increase as they build skills of accountability and responsibility.

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What people are saying:

martial arts in los angeles

"I came looking for exercise I wouldn't get bored of and self defense skills, and while I still get plenty of training in those areas, the reasons I come to Aikido have expanded.  I now find aikido training helps with emotional strength, mental clarity, spiritual growth, confidence, and even communication (or as we call it, verbal aikido)."

Ellis Bahl


martial arts in los angeles

"Lia Sensei changed my life. Her teachings in Aikido have had a profound impact on who I am today and continue to shape me everyday into a stronger, more grounded person.

Lia Sensei is truly a one-of-a-kind teacher. She is passionate to no end about Aikido which comes through in her thoughtful though very Japanese style of teaching. Her Aikido classes always leave me drenched in sweat by the end which I have almost never experienced anywhere else (except Japan!) They are intense, dynamic, and feel the way a martial art should truly feel, like a sacred practice."

Chris Coats


martial arts in los angeles

"I started training aikido in early 2009. Aikido was a good match for me as I wanted a martial art that I could continue doing my entire life. Unfortunately, I've moved around a lot since then - and while I've kept my Aikido up I haven't had one dojo as a "home base." On the other hand, I've worked with many instructors and seen a WIDE range of teaching styles.

Finally, once I arrived in LA I signed up for some intro classes with Kenkyukai to see if the dojo would be a good fit for me. A few classes later, I signed up for the year. Suzuki Sensei embodies many of the principals of Aikido and comes from a direct lineage of Aikidoka. What this means for the layman is she's "close" to the source. She's very skilled and deeply cares about the art."

Marc Falzon


martial arts in los angeles

"I have nothing but good things to say about this dojo and Suzuki Sensei. I leave every class feeling exhilarated, challenged, and full of joy. If you’re looking to try aikido, already train and want to see if the dojo is a good fit, or just curious about martial arts, I can’t recommend AKI Koreatown enough.

I had zero martial arts experience when I started and was a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. Suzuki Sensei and the other students were incredibly welcoming, kind, and helpful and I felt at home in no time. I have watched the same thing happen again and again when new students join. I’m proud to be a member of this community.

You can be challenged here and push yourself to the limit (I have often left class physically exhausted yet mentally energized), but no one is ever made to do anything they’re not comfortable with or that causes pain, or shamed if they have physical limitations. There is always some way to train and something to learn and I think that is beautiful.

Highly recommended!"




About Us

Aikido Kenkyukai International USA is dedicated to enriching people’s lives through the practice of Aikido, The Art of Peace.

Our instructors are qualified and experienced to help you become the best version of yourself.

We offer classes for kids, teens, and adults, beginner through advanced levels.

Remote training and online courses.

Do you live too far away to join us in person?

Whether you're a total beginner learning how to tie your belt, an intermediate or advanced student wanting to try online training, or an instructor with your own dojo, we can provide the resources you need.

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