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Aikido Summer Seminar Instructor Intro - Lia Suzuki Shihan

I thought you might like to know a bit about the instructors at the upcoming Aikido Summer Seminar. The next instructor in our lineup is, um... me. :-)

Read about my background, teaching approach, and vision below.

I hope to see you in May!

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Lia Suzuki
Author: The Teacher (From the Aiki Dialog...

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Aikido Summer Seminar Instructor Intro - Melissa Bell Sensei

Next up in our lineup of instructors at our upcoming Aikido Summer Seminar is Melissa Bell Sensei.

Melissa Sensei and I first met when we were co-teaching at the ASU Winter Intensive in Florida.

I liked Melissa Sensei's way of presenting themes, as well as her respectiful way with her uke's.


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Aikido Summer Seminar Instructor Intro - Stephen Toyoda Sensei

Next up in our lineup of instructors at our upcoming Aikido Summer Seminar is Stephen Toyoda Sensei.

Stephen Sensei and I first met when we were co-teaching a seminar in California.

I was struck by the energy in his classes, as well as his unassuming manner and approachability.

Read about Stephen...

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Aikido Summer Seminar Instructor Intro - Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan

Have you already trained with Ikeda Shihan? He's one of the instructors who will be teaching at our upcoming Aikido Summer Seminar.

I first met him in 1997, when I had first returned to the USA, after nearly 10 years training in Japan. I was struck by his approachability off the mat and his athleti...

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What You Need to Know About Aikido’s Sword Takeaway Techniques

Discover the fundamentals of tachidori (sword takeaway techniques) in Aikido. This blog explains how these techniques, showcased in my New Year’s seminar, can inspire your martial arts journey—even if you’re just starting out!

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Unveiling Aikido’s Spiral Flow: Jo Techniques in Los Angeles

Explore Aikido’s graceful spiral movements with the jo in our Los Angeles dojo. This beginner-friendly post highlights how martial arts can transform your body and mind.

Curious about Aikido? Discover spiral movements with the jo staff at our Los Angeles dojo. Perfect for martial arts newcomers in ...

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Exploring Aikido’s Spiral Movements: An Introductory Guide for Los Angeles Beginners

Aikido’s unique spiral dynamics bring an incredible sense of flow and power to this martial art. This post explains how Aikido’s spiral principles are used in jo kata and empty-hand techniques, based on an engaging seminar at our Los Angeles dojo. Whether you’re new to Aikido or looking to enhanc...

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An Introduction to Aikido’s Unique Techniques: Kubishime Kokyunage and Sankyo at a Seminar in Los Angeles

Have you ever wondered what Aikido training looks like?

In this blog post, we explore two techniques—kubishime kokyunage and kubishime sankyo—from an Aikido seminar in Los Angeles.

Whether you're new to martial arts or just curious about Aikido, this post gives you insight into how these flowing, ...

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Exploring Aikido: Introduction to Ushiro Ryotedori Techniques from a New Year’s Seminar in Los Angeles

Are you new to Aikido or curious about martial arts? This post breaks down two signature Aikido techniques—Ushiro Ryotedori Kokyunage and Shihonage—highlighted during my New Year’s seminar in Los Angeles.

Learn how to invite and offer attacks, and get a closer look at the flowing, dynamic movements...

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Heavy Connection: A Guide for Beginners in Los Angeles

Even if you're new to Aikido, you can benefit from learning about the principle of "heavy connection," inspired by the late Yamaguchi Seigo Sensei.

During my New Year’s seminar in Los Angeles, we explored this powerful concept, helping participants understand how connection and balance play key ...

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Discover Aikido: How Relaxing Your Shoulders Improves Movement

Aikido is a martial art that teaches powerful principles of movement and relaxation. In this post, learn how keeping your shoulders loose can enhance your coordination and balance. Based on my New Year’s Aikido seminar in Los Angeles, we break down simple exercises, starting with a basic stretch ...

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Experience Aikido in Koreatown: Learn the Basics of Katadori Kokyunage

New to Aikido and living in Koreatown, Los Angeles? This blog post introduces you to the fascinating world of Aikido through the lens of Katadori Kokyunage, a technique practiced in our recent seminar. Whether you're curious about martial arts or looking for a new way to stay active, this post will ...

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